Examples of consuting projects, arranged by corporate function
Finance & Controlling
- The integrative finance section (within the main location of a construction group)
- Reorientation of Finance & Controlling at a group subsidiary
- Restructuring and introduction of team work in the finance and invoicing section
R & D
- The innovation process
- Standards and structuring the cooperation between various departments
- Repositioning the R & D department
- Reorganisation of a complex R & D section
- Improving the cooperation between R & D, marketing and sales and production
- Process organisation within an international marketing group
- Reorganisation of marketing within a group subsidiary
- Redesign of the innovation process (incl. R & D and production)
- Redefining the approach to the market, with a new structure for segments and marketing
- Concept for opening up the market in South-East Europe (plant construction)
- Maintenance division within a group: turnaround as comprehensive change management
- Production logistics — automotive plant: reorientation and increasing efficiency
- Maintenance division: implementing a concept for the future
- CIP: developing and implementing concepts
- Redesign of processes in production, planning, controlling and operational logistics in small and medium-sized companies
- Reorientation of internal providers of technical services
- Cost reduction projects
- Reorganisation of production processes
- Analysing and modifying production processes
- Conflict resolution: R & D — sales
- Resolving the conflict within a plant management team
- Roll-out of TQM
- Quality offensive at a large branch operation
- Designing and launching team and group work concepts
- Redesign of corporate improvement process — integrating CIP and in-house suggestions scheme
- International positioning concept for the European companies within the group division
- Reorientation of technical service providers to factories
- Planning of process operations and production layout for a new plant by the workforce
- Improving production processes and materials flows
- Error management
- Improving management communication and information in production
- A large number of improvement processes in production, e.g.: reducing scrap, identifying and removing the causes of breakdowns, optimising processes, removing interface problems, 5-A activities, optimising materials flows etc.
Service operations
- Merging internal service providers at a group location
- Reorientation of technical service providers at a factory: philosophy, processes, management
- HR — reorienting human resources into a customer-oriented service provider
- IT — turning IT into a customer-oriented service provider
- Reorienting the IT section of a group and improving efficiency
- Developing and rolling out an IT scorecard (pharmaceuticals)
- Developing an IT concept for purchasing as part of a major project
- Personnel and organisational development concepts and skills enhancement for internal consultants and trainers
- Crisis management in a test programme between QM, test engineers and the implementing specialists
- Sales distribution — launch of TQM
- Reorganisation of domestic sales
- Redefining sales processes
- Redefining approaches to the market and the customer: conception & implementation
- Improving cooperation in sales — changing the culture
- Supporting management teams in developing and implementing strategy
- Conflict resolution within management teams
- Developing strategy
- Improving customer orientation within the company
- Supporting cultural change as part of a change of generation
- TQM approaches - conception & implementation
and many more — it is not possible to list all the possible topics here. Why not contact us if you need support for a specific challenge — we will let you know if we have experience in the relevant field.